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Lyudmila Bryn participated in 4-14 Window Global Summit in Singapore

Lyudmila Bryn participated in 4-14 Window Global Summit in Singapore

Lately Lyudmila Bryn participated in 4-14 Window Global Summit in Singapore.

The third 4-14 Global Summit was initiated by Transform World Connections, the movement that had successfully coordinated different church efforts to reach geographical region known as 10-40 Window. “If 10-40 Window refers to a geographical frame in the eastern hemisphere located between 10 and 40 degrees north of the equator – the geographical area with the largest population of non-Christians in the world, - explains Luis Bush, International Facilitator of TWC, - the 4-14 Window describes a demographic frame – children and youth between the ages of 4 and 14”.

In three years 4-14 Window Initiative (www.4to14window.com) has grown into a global Christian movement focused on ministry to generation of 4-14ers. The decade represented by the 4-14 Window is the most critical period in terms of human development. Most people come to believe in Christ at this stage of their lives. The 4-14 Window movement aims to help the church see a raising generation as “agents of transformation” that God will use in various spheres of society. Lyudmila Bryn participated in 4-14 Window Global Summit in Singapore

“Children Mission sees itself as a part of 4-14 Window Movement, - says Lyudmila Bryn, Executive Director of Children Mission-International. – We need to look at children not as objects to be entertained, cared and taught, but perceive them as personalities God can use today to build up His Kingdom”.

The third 4-14 Window Global Summit in Singapore got together more than 1000 leaders from 92 countries. The former USSR countries were represented by Children Mission leader, leaders of Alliances “Ukraine without Orphans” and “Russia without Orphans”, Deans of Ukrainian Evangelical Theological Seminary (Kiev) and Eurasian Theological Seminary (Moscow), school-principals of members of ICSA (International Christian Schools Association), leaders from churches, public organizations and charity funds from Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizia, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Summit served as a platform for Christian leaders from around the world to determine the strategic opportunities God is giving for 4-14ers and to develop specific strategies to rally the Body of Christ worldwide to prioritize the 4-14 Generation as our missional focus.

1 November 2011

All materials on the subject "CM-Intern'l":

Lyudmila Bryn participated in 4-14 Window Global Summit in Singapore

About children’s ministry

These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the door-frames of your houses and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6:6-9


Training Impressions

I learnt how to praise God together with kids even if you don’t have any musical instruments.

Dirk Koertze in UA


Children Mission

For more than 19 years Children Mission is training children workers and parents. In Ukraine alone almost 6000 people were trained how to love and teach children God’s way. Besides, God opened doors to minister to people in Russia and Moldova and from 2006 – in Armenia and UK.

Children Mission and this site is here to help you make a difference in the lives of children according to God’s calling for your life.

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